NOTE: For a list of the great gear available when working at the studio, please check out:


Beesneez Arabella "Producer" - Beauty hi-end, handmade tube mic. Lush and open.

Lomo 19A19 - Old Russian tube mic. Sounds wonderful, reminds me of a lightsaber (its look, not sound…)

Beyer M160 (2) - Classic ribbon mics. Bonham’s drums to Jimi's guitar. Great on everything.

Neumann KM84 - THE classic small diaphragm condenser. Love that tone and depth. 

EV RE20 - One of the classic dynamics. Rocks the kick and bass, but can be great on most things that make sound.

Beyer M201 - Great dynamic mic. Loves snares, guitars, etc.

Shure SM57 (2) - Can hammer nails. Good enough for legendary albums and Presidents so good enough for me.

Shure SM58 - SM57's cousin.

Sennheiser MD421 - What can't it work on? Bass amp, guitar amp, vocals, drums.

Shure SM7B - It just works, and works really really well.

EV 635a (2) - If you like versatility and character, you'll love these mics.

DPA lav mic (2) - These tiny mics have been total lifesavers in some sessions.

Audio-Technica Pro37R (2) - A "hard" sound that works.

Shure Beta87 - Designed as a live condenser, this guy has been a hero on more than a few sessions.

AKG D112 - Always makes me think of the alien in, well, Alien.


RMS 755 - Loosely based on the classic SSL buss compressor but very much its own thing. Sounds like a hug.

Warm Audio WA76 - Based on the legendary 1176. Pretty much works on anything.

Altec 436c - Tube compressor from way back. Looks like it was found in a tank. Great tone.

dbx 160x - Classic workhorse. Vocals, snare, bass, brass, kick, keys, Ricky, Tele, kick.

dbx 118 - Great for crushing vocals, snare, bass, brass, kick, keys, Ricky, Tele, kick.

Shure SE30 - Three channel mixer with a compressor that loves abuse (Level-Loc).

FMR PBC-6A - Versatile with nice tone.

ART Pro-VLA - A duel channel opto sleeper.


Seventh Circle Audio (5) - Neve and API clones. THE classic sounds.

Telefunken V672 (2) - Warm and shimmery.

RME UFX (4) - Surprisingly nice! Clean and quiet.


Amphion One18s - Musical, revealing. Great balance of big picture and detail.

Yamaha NS-10s - THE classic nearfield monitor. Don’t care what they say, still love ‘em!

Pelonis Model 42 - Great sounding small reference. And a pretty cool design!

Auratone (1) - Humbling reality check.

Yamaha HS50 - Travel companions.


Revox B77 - 1/4" reel to reel. For that tapey glow. High speed version.

Roland SpaceEcho - Old, dirty, breakup, grit.

MXR Analog Delay - A favorite. Simple and sweet.

Sansui RA-500 - Spring reverb (modified). Retro sound, retro look.

Hughes AK100 (SRS) - Go beyond your speakers.

Lexicon Vortex - Go beyond normal.

Various Plugins - Lot of great stuff these days and they keep getting better.